Glad to say I can officially cross
Alaska off my list of states I've never been too. Granted, I'm in Juneau, not
quite the bulk of the state but its still Alaska none the less. I wish it
wasn’t so cloudy and rainy; seems as if It’d be a spectacular scene if the
clouds ever decided to lift or burn off.
Work has been busy the first 48 here
and don't see it letting up as I am only here for a week and there is quite a
bit of work to be done. I was able to get a solid workout in today after an 11
hour work day at the local gym, Alaska Club located here in Juneau. I thought
it was a decent gym, but was appalled to find out a membership was close to
$100 a month...
Anyways, lately with work being as
crazy as it is, I've been thinking about how we as people tend to get so stuck
in the moment that we lose sight of the bigger picture, or how small that
relative blip of time is compared to our lifespan. It a natural reaction in
times of duress, and I would admit that I have had my struggles over the past
month or so with all the hours I've been working and other non-work related thoughts.
It wasn’t until I found a quote that
really helped to ease my anxiety during this time:
sacrifice what you want most for what you want at the moment"
Deep huh? I
thought so. It immediately resonated with me the moment that I saw it.
Considering the internal struggles that I had been going through, it was
exactly what I needed to see.
To me that
quote isn’t about just looking at the big picture, but about having discipline and
self control to know where you want to go and to not get distracted by the
little things that might arise and get in the way of that.
At 24, I have
pretty good idea of how I want to live my life and the kind of people I want to
enjoy it with. But the reality is, I can’t execute that at 24 for the most part.
I have to put in the work now if I want to live like that later on. Knowing and
reinforcing that is very empowering and motivating to me personally. I actually
made some note cards with that quote, among other various quotes that I pull
out first thing when I wake up, and about 10-12 times during day to keep my
head in the grind and out of the clouds. I will say after a few weeks it has
made a profound difference in how I approach my career and other various aspects
of my life. It felt as if I stopped spinning my wheels and remembered what I
was working towards, and what I needed to do to make that a reality.
So my
challenge to you would be to find what you want to have in your life on a big picture
scale. It’s tough to have an exact idea, but at least have something general to
strive for. If you want to avoid that feeling of spinning your wheels, you have
to have an idea of where you are going or where you want to go.
Without that
direction we can easily be distracted by the things that pop up in the moment
and essentially lose sight of what we want the most.
So try it
out. Have something to strive for, make some motivational note cards, and pull
those out first thing when you wake up and right before you go to bed. Don’t let
the small stuff get in the way of your big picture.