Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Leg Day light work

Stormy and muggy day today in the great NW. Quite unusual for this time of year, but I will take the cooler weather given it was about 82* in my room this morning at 2 AM. 

Legs are hurting today from the workout yesterday. It’s crazy to me how much of a difference missing a leg session or two makes. A lot of people inquire about what I do for leg day at the gym so I figured I should probably start to keeping track of it (maybe there is value there I can eventually monetize).

Before I go into further detail let me explain three things: 

1) I've been doing this consistently for the past 7 years. I don't use a belt, pads, straps, braces etc... I started with proper form at lower weights and have worked my way up from there.
2) I use a box when squatting to help control how low I go. I tend to go more than parallel without the help of a box so using one helps keep me at 90*. When I increase weights I place a 35 LB plate on the top to give me an extra inch or two of leverage, which makes quite a difference. 
3) The only supplements I take are BCAA's or amino acids, because I typically lift on an empty stomach, and occasionally creatine, although not in a while. 

So here is what a typical leg day for me looks like:

Squats -
  •  1x5 @ 135 
Box Squats - 
  • 1x3 @225
  • 1x3 @295
  • 1x3 @ 315 
  • 1x3 @ 365
Box Squats with 35lb plate -
  • 1x3 @ 385 
  • 1x3 @ 405 
  • 1x2 @ 405 
Cool down - Box squats (no plate)
  • 1x5 @ 315 
  • 1x5 @ 225
 Hamstring Curls 
  • 4x5 each leg @95 lbs 
Various Plyometrics (will explain these in more detail in the near future) 

So as you can see, it's nothing too complicated. Sometimes I feel like people make things like getting in shape to be so complex when in reality it’s not at all. I like to think that L.E.S. is more, and by LES I mean lift, eat, sleep, and repeat. If you have those things in check, it’s tough to oppress results. 


PS: Here is why people tend to ask me about what I do for leg day-

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